miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Saint Teresa of Jesus

She was born in Avila on 28th March 1515 and died in Aba de Tormes on 4th October 1582. She was buried in the church of the Annunciation in Alba de Tormes. The original sepulcher where Teresa was buried was in the left side of the church, in an arch opened in the wall to leave space for the sepulcher. She was buried in the ground and 9 months later the tomb was opened, discovering that her body was remaining incorrupt. From 1615 to 1760 her remains were deposited in a sarcophagus of marble on the place of the burial. The body of Saint Teresa rests nowadays in a sepulcher placed in the altarpiece of the major chapel. Some relics, like the heart and the left arm, are in the room of Saint Teresa, in the same church.


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